65. Trevor and Darcy let a “stranger” come into our house, sans barking and jumping.
We had my brother and my parents over for dinner since we were having pot roast for dinner. (BTW, I thought I had perfection on Christmas, but it was even BETTER today). Christian came over first and the dogs barked at him, but when my parents showed up a few minutes later, they didn't bark at all! There was also no jumping at all at my dad. They admittedly did jump at my mom, but she was holding dog treats. That does not count.
"Stranger" was always in quotes because to my dogs, anyone who does not live in our home/does not come over at least once a week for months is a stranger. They're pretty protective of our home.
On a not quite so bright note, my progress on 'book 7 weddings in a year' went back 2 weddings. I booked Tori's and Tracy's weddings at the beginning of November 2010, so those have expired. Oh well, I'll book more :) And on a bright wedding note, Tori gets married on Friday, so I have a wedding coming right up! So excited!
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